KOM With The Wind enables Strava users to assess segments based on the current wind conditions by calculating an hourly star rating for any given segment, for the next 24 hours.The same star rating is used for the wind data at the exact time and location of the KOM. With this information, the app calculates a KOM-ability rating: The less favourable the wind conditions at the time, the higher the KOM-ability rating.
Historical wind data can be retrieved for your segment efforts and the top 20 Leaderboard entries.
The app downloads your starred Strava segments, all your Strava friend's KOM segments and has an interactive map view.
There is a two week trial period. After this time the app is 1.99 GBP / 1.99 USD or local currency equivalent per year.
The yearly subscription to KOM With The Wind gives you gives you full access to live and historical wind data.
Once your subscription is activated, it will renew each year when the subscription runs out.